Leon Tadiswa, a 5-year-old boy from Zimbabwe was suffering from Hepatopulmonary Syndrome. It is an uncommon disorder that affects the lungs of people with advanced liver disease. His family consulted the doctors at Artemis Hospitals, Gurugram.
After thoroughly examining the patient, Dr. Giriraj Bora, Chief - Liver Transplant & Sr. Consultant - GI & HPB Surgery, and Dr. Sakshi Karkra, Head - of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Hepatology, suggested Liver Transplant. Post-transplant, Dr. Prabhat Maheshwari, Chief- Neonatal & Paediatric Critical Care, kept the child under observation and provided the required support. The family expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the doctors for their expertise and for helping Leon get a second life.
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Times of India, Financial Express, The Daily Guardian, Healthwire.co, Drug Today, Drug Today, Youtube, Glamsham.com, Medicare News